Love him or hate him the Seattle preacher, Mark Driscoll, is not afraid to throw it out there.
Susan and I heard him speak in Minneapolis last year on "How Sharp the Edge? Christ, Controversy and Cutting Words", you can watch it or listen here.
If you want to see him on CNN click here or on Nightline a couple of weeks ago:
Hi Tim, good links, Mark is defenetly reaching out to all, and willing to discuss issues once taboo to the church. I agree that we should be able to talk about any subject with Jesus through prayer and search the scripture for answeres, so why not be open with your pastor and church about all issues/concerns.
I know you also download his sermons as well, I find he is as bright/intelligent a speaker I have ever listened to and the young active minded folks that flock to his church seem to welcome this. He seems to be all about getting away from tradition and willing to challenge all, normally that means being popular and shallow, not the case. His sermons all seem to be more then an hour or more longin length, scripture packed and are always cutting, challenging, making me think about how I need to change my life. He is a great listen while jogging.
Glad you and Susan got a chance to listen to him in person, I hope to one day as well.
On a nother note Sam and I summited Hood last weekend, wish you were there it was a spur of the moment climb, perfect conditions, fill you in over the phone.
We also visited his church in summer 2007. As with most of his messages, one walks away knowing this guy believes Jesus is alive and the Bible is true.
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