My hesitation from the start: with a subtle twist, the essence of God is changed via the powerful literary form of a narrative.
God has chosen, through the Bible, to teach us about himself through story - the narrative. Why? It taps into our emotions and connects our heart with our head. God does not teach us theology by only stating principles for us to learn. For example, he brings us into the scene to watch, feel and understand what happens when an eighty year-old man named Moses approaches Pharaoh, the most powerful King on earth, and ridiculously requests to let a couple million of his slave laborers go. When we leave the scene we not only know God is sovereign, we feel it.
God does not tell just tell us to believe he is our redeemer, he wants us to feel it through the beautiful love story of Ruth and Boaz.
God does not just tell us to love our wives, he wants us to feel it through the sensual intimacy of the Song of Solomon.
God does not just tell us he loves us, he wants us to feel it as it is described four times in the New Testament narrative of the Crucifixion.
The Shack is wanting you to feel some principles about God that are false.
If you care to read more, Gerald Hiestand has a good review here.
I will most likely end up reading it, but remembering to guard my heart as I do. If you have read it, am I off base?
Hey Tim. I read this and have some thoughts on the book.... I also met for 4 years in a small group with the author at my house. He's a really good guy, and the book's success has caught all of us by surprise. He's not an author, and wrote it for his kids. Would love to talk with you about it once you read it.
Found your blogspot through your facebook page. How's Exodus 19 & 20?
Peace, Tim.
It's a deal David; I plan on reading it around Christmas and look forward to talking to you.
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