Thursday, July 8, 2010

BSF Headquarters

As a Teaching Leader (TL) for Bible Study Fellowship, there are some points deep into the study year when I feel there is not much left to sacrifice (this is not a bad place to be), but a God great in mercy and love and faithfulness extends his character to me and I am blessed. I am blessed far beyond the small amount I give.

At least every three years, as a TL, I make a trip to BSF Headquarters in San Antonio, TX; this is one of God's blessings. A seminary professor is brought in for five days to teach us on the study we will be teaching come Fall. This year's study is Isaiah and the professor was Dr. Carl Laney. As usual, BSF only brings in the best. I had the opportunity to share a cottage with Dr. Laney and his wife this trip and I let him know that I was like the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8 trying to understand Isaiah (impotent and confused), but instead of sending Philip, God sent Carl. I am excited to teach Isaiah and looking forward to witnessing some of the presumptions of God that will be ripped away by the men who will study this book.

Gary, a fellow TL in my cottage, forwarded some photos from the trip:


Unknown said...

Tim, great to read a new blog! Fired up for Isaiah and the O dark early meetings! You're going to do great again this year.

Unknown said...

Tim, great to read a new blog! Fired up for Isaiah and the O dark early meetings! You're going to do great again this year.