Monday, April 21, 2008


Ben Stein’s movie, Expelled opened this weekend and I am interested in watching it. From what I hear it exposes the scientific elite stomping down any ideas that threaten evolution.

I recall sitting in the back row of Historical Geology class at my University and the professor yelling at me with a barrage of very foul curse words after I asked a simple question of why the fossil record, with warehouses upon warehouses full, does not reflect evolution, but reflects what we see today - distinct species.

Defeating evolution will not open up the flood gates for people to become Christians. The majority of people who have lived never encountered this theory, for the theory of evolution is new on the historical scene. A rebellious and prideful heart will not be convinced of God through the defeat of a scientific theory; they will be convinced by the grip of the gospel.

As a scientist and a Christian (not a Christian Scientist) I hate evolution, for it is bad science and it steals glory from God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lets go see that movie together!